Task of the Week: Starbucks Versus the Local Coffee Shop

Premise Data
2 min readJun 23, 2021

By Lily Chaw and Fiore Riccobono

One of the greatest debates in coffee right now is Starbucks versus the local coffee shop.

A cup of coffee

Starbucks has changed the game when it comes to coffee. The global chain is on seemingly every street corner and has forever changed how people buy their coffee thanks to mobile ordering through its addicting mobile app, which accounts for roughly a quarter of the company’s orders.

Starbucks is convenient and ubiquitous, but the neighborhood coffee shop still has a lot of pull with consumers who want to support their community and get a cup of Joe that they can’t get anywhere else.

This week’s Task of the Week pits the two coffee rivals against each other. In other words — Which has the better cup of coffee? Starbucks or a local coffee shop?

What is this task about?

The avid coffee drinker frequently faces the choice of visiting Starbucks or a local coffee shop. Premise is seeking to take a deeper look into what factors come into play when deciding where to buy a cup of coffee. Is it price, convenience, service, or environment? Does ethical coffee sway you, or does speedy internet access buy your loyalty?

How can Contributors complete this task?

Through the Premise app, the Contributor will be asked to:

  1. Visit a local coffee shop or Starbucks
  2. Take an exterior photo
  3. Order a medium drink of your choice
  4. Take a few photos of your purchase
  5. Share your experience

Why should Contributors complete this task?

Contributors can help us better understand how Starbucks is competing against the rise of trendy neighborhood shops. Contributors can uncover how Starbucks is perceived and how the pandemic altered their behavior as the pressure to support local businesses has risen.

Want to get paid for completing tasks like these? Download our app for Android or iOS today.

